Gloire Mahoro
Future Path Plans: Hopefully go to UC San Diego or San Diego State
Favorite Subject: English- I love how literature can be connected to so many things and I also love writing.
Most Challenging Class this Year: IB Pre-Calculus Honors
Something she has always wanted: "I have always wanted to ride a motorcycle"
Most Challenging Class this Year: IB Pre-Calculus Honors
Something she has always wanted: "I have always wanted to ride a motorcycle"
What she likes most about being a Warrior: "The one thing I love about being a Warrior is that we are a family and there is so much diversity among everyone."
Favorite Weekend Activity: Going out to eat frozen yogurt with my mom and sisters.
In five years she hopes to: be on the path to medical school
One thing she wants to improve for herself: Her concentration
One skill she could teach anyone: How to make a mean omelet
Favorite place to eat: Lazy Dog
If she could do high school all over again, the one thing she would change would be... I would change my attitude coming in Freshman year. One thing she wants to improve for herself: Her concentration
One skill she could teach anyone: How to make a mean omelet
Favorite place to eat: Lazy Dog
Best tip for success to Underclassmen: Never feel embarassed or afraid to ask for help!
Her Top Contributions to the School and Community:
- Link Crew Leader
- Volunteering at John Muir and helping patients
- Leadership team of HOSA chapter
- Convinced a handful of girls to play lacrosse to keep our team strong
- Active member of Interact
Something that YVHS does really well: Being inclusive and giving students a feeling of safety.
Inspirational Figure: Michelle Obama- first African American first lady, and she is so independent and strong!
One Staff Member she will never forget: Ms. Atwood- she was a ray of sunshine and always there when you needed her most.
Quote of the Moment: "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
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