Sara Hernandez
Favorite Subject: My favorite subject is math, because I like the feeling that comes when I am understanding a complex topic or when I get the correct answer after doing so many steps. I am a strong believer of math being a universal language. Everything else could be changing around us, yet math would remain a constant.
Most Challenging Class this Year: Economics
Future Path Plans: Attend a 4 year college and start my journey in earning a degree for my future career.
Favorite place to vacation: Los Angeles- I really like the atmosphere there- there is always something to do, and it is just filled with interesting people.
What she likes most about being a Warrior: I get to be in this great environment surrounded by peers and teacher that are supportive, caring and understanding. I like that as a Warrior I am part of a community that shows their worth every year despite what is negatively said about us. I like that as a Warrior I am a part of a family that is a melting pot of races and cultures, yet when it comes to us coming together, we put that aside and make things happen.
In five years she hopes to: I hope to have earned my college degree, either getting my teaching credentials to become an elementary school teacher, graduated as a psychology major or continuing my education to become a forensic scientist. All the while, having a stable job that has allowed me to live in my own place.
Favorite Weekend Activity: Staying in and watching all types of movies.
Best tip for success to Underclassmen:
Create strong relationships with your teachers, meaning that you are able to communicate with them and vice verse. This is very important because it builds this sense of trust and teachers are more willing to work with you if there are any problems.
Most Challenging Class this Year: Economics
Future Path Plans: Attend a 4 year college and start my journey in earning a degree for my future career.
Favorite place to vacation: Los Angeles- I really like the atmosphere there- there is always something to do, and it is just filled with interesting people.
What she likes most about being a Warrior: I get to be in this great environment surrounded by peers and teacher that are supportive, caring and understanding. I like that as a Warrior I am part of a community that shows their worth every year despite what is negatively said about us. I like that as a Warrior I am a part of a family that is a melting pot of races and cultures, yet when it comes to us coming together, we put that aside and make things happen.
In five years she hopes to: I hope to have earned my college degree, either getting my teaching credentials to become an elementary school teacher, graduated as a psychology major or continuing my education to become a forensic scientist. All the while, having a stable job that has allowed me to live in my own place.
Favorite Weekend Activity: Staying in and watching all types of movies.
Favorite place to eat: Fat Slice in Berkeley
Inspirational Figure: Frida Khalo- she is inspirational because she represents everything a Mexican woman shouldn't have been during her lifetime. She was a strong Mexican woman who endured so much when she was alive, yet was not afraid to share her pain with the whole world through her paintings. She was never afraid to go after what she wanted.
Best tip for success to Underclassmen:
Her Top Contributions to the School and Community:
- Volunteer as a tutor for elementary and high school students
- Playing in NCS for lacrosse for the first time in school history
- Volunteer as a camp counselor for Camp Loma Mar
- Student-teacher intern for an elementary school
- Highest GPA in the senior class
What she feels makes a great leader: Confidence, compassion, integrity, being supportive, being able to communicate with their peers effectively and efficiently, being genuine and wanting others to succeed as well, and being self-aware. Also, a good leader should be able to possess creative and logical skills that enable them to think outside of the box.
Something that YVHS does really well: Being able to come together in various occasions like times of need, sporting events, celebrations, etc. and being supportive of each other in everything.
One thing she wants to improve for herself: I want to improve on not procrastinating as much. I have been trying to work on getting rid of this habit, but there are always occasions where I would wait until the last minute to do an assignment or study, and I really want to improve that.
Quote of the Moment: "The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome. The essence of life is to care. The opportunity of life is to serve." ~William A. Ward.
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